Lazy Afternoon

A small toad relaxing on a hot afternoon on my balcony in Phuket. Earlier he was hiding from me on the other side of the bamboo screen, but when the sun came round, he had little choice but to make friends. He’s only about 4cm long but during the night he sounds ten times bigger.

Canon G3X on macro mode ISO200 1/200 at f/5.6


Chasing the sunset

A canooist enjoying the sunset at Kamala beach – such a poser – he’s always there when there’s a clear sky, knowing he’ll be snapped by the crowds on the beach 🙂

Canon G3X at full zoom ISO200 1/100 at f/11




A well-fed robin policing the decking outside in the back garden on the lookout for rogue mice reported to have been stealing seed – see yesterday’s post.

Canon G3X at 220mm. ISO800 1/125 at f/7.1





Happy New Year !

This industrious little mouse clearly had a nest under the decking where he was stocking provisions for the winter. His nose would appear through the impossibly small hole, followed by his head. After a rapid scan for danger, the rest of his body would pop through the hole, a quick forage of fallen birdseed was made, and he was back through the hole in the blinking of an eye.

Canon G3X at 220mm (600mm equiv) ISO800 1/125 at f/7.1


Blue Tit


This chap is one of several who have discovered the feeders outside my conservatory window. Located only about five feet from where I am sitting, the feeders give me a front-row seat of the activity and a great opportunity for capturing the antics of the birds.

Canon G3X ISO800 1/1000 at f/7.1


Harlow Carr view


A tranquil pond and surrounding trees showing a typically carefully sculptured landscape in these beautiful gardens.

Canon G3X ISO400 1/160 at f/8


Blackbird and lunch


A happy blackbird surrounded by lunch at the RHS gardens, Harlow Carr, Harrogate

Canon G3X ISO400 1/800 at f/8 full zoom – 600mm equiv + cropping in LR


RHS Gardens at Harlow Carr, Harrogate


These gardens are well worth a visit. They are beautifully laid out by a team of gardeners with a highly professional approach to landscaping and a knowledge of how and where to place dozens of plant varieties. The result is a garden full of colour, shape and surprise.

Canon G3X ISO400 1/250 at f/8
