Given this conjunction only occurs every twenty years, and when it does, the planets often aren’t visible or they don’t get to this level of apparent closeness, this was a rare opportunity. The shot was taken on 20 December, one day earlier than the closest position, but my hopes for that one were dashed by cloudy weather. In fact, here in Tuscany, this was the best shot to be had.
What I particularly like about the shot is the array of the four Galilean moons that added a three-dimensional effect to the image.
Canon 90D with Sigma 150-600 f5-6.3 DG OS HSM C lens at 600mm mounted on a Benro GH2 gimbal, back-button focus, mirror up with 2 sec delay. ISO 8000 1/100 ad f6.3. Tweaked and cropped in Lightroom