Foxglove blooms taken in Lea & Jonathan’s garden in Kirklington, Notts.
Canon G3X ISO640 1/1250 at f/9
Foxglove blooms taken in Lea & Jonathan’s garden in Kirklington, Notts.
Canon G3X ISO640 1/1250 at f/9
This tiny balcony overlooking the Piazza Grande, Arezzo is ablaze with colour.
Canon G3X
Must have been a special guy to get his own statue in the Piazza San Francesco, Arezzo. Fossombroni was a mathematician, statistician, engineer, economist, politician, diplomat and intellectual. 1754-1844.
Canon G3X
A telephoto view from the Piazza San Francesco past the statue of Guido Monaco to the train station.
Canon G3X
One of many of the squirrel that enjoy all the fruit, nuts, pine cones (particularly cypress cones –yum!) and other general fare on offer in our garden. They are pretty noisy about it, too!
The view across the valley from Le Gupole
Canon Gx3 ISO500 1/640 at f/8