Kamala moon – nine days old

Kamala moon day 9b

Another shot of the moon over Kamala. This one was taken a couple of nights ago (18 March) – it’s been too cloudy since

Canon 3GX on manual. ISO 500 1/640 at f/5.6 and 220mm (600mm equiv)


Moon over Kamala

young moon over Kamala

A young moon hanging over Kamala last night (12 March 2016).

Canon G3X handheld at 220mm (600mm equiv). ISO 1250 1/125 at f/10 Manual. This little camera has impressive image stabilisation.


Kamala Sunset

kamala sunset 2

Looking west onto the Andaman Sea, the sunset view from Kamala beach is often dramatic, especially when there’s some cloud. The constantly changing hues of reds, oranges, creams, blues and yellows are always a delight, and when there’s the added interest of a lone fisherman, it’s even more magical.

Canon G3X ISO400 1/400 at f/5.6 and 220mm (600mm equiv)


Partial Solar Eclipse


This morning’s  solar eclipse (9 March 2016) was only partial here in Phuket and I was on Kamala beach without the camera for most of it, torturing my eyes as I tried to view it through sunglasses held at arm’s length. By the time I got home, it was almost over, but I did manage this shot of the final moments through the trees at the rear of our apartment, an 8x neutral density filter hand-held over the front of the lens.

Canon G3X on manual. ISO 125 1/1000 at f/11 + 8x ND filter.



Zen spider-2

Two of these fellows have taken up residence in webs they’ve strung across the bamboo outside the door to our apartment. They are around three inches toe to toe. Check out the mask-like structure at the junction of all the legs.

Canon G3X ISO 1000 1/100 at f/5.6 at 220mm (600mm 35mm equiv)

