Crab spider

rose chafers and spider-2

This crab spider  wouldn’t win too many prizes for camouflage, but he sat patiently waiting all day on this buddleia blossom for an unsuspecting bee/butterfly/moth to come within striking range.

Canon G3X  at 220mm (600mm equiv) ISO640 1/160 at f/5.6


Danger lurking

bee flies on lavender1a

A bee-fly collecting pollen from a lavender bloom seems to be an innocent enough activity, but the reality is that the danger lurks – the lavender is woven with many spiders’ webs, and the spiders are just waiting …

Canon EOS-100D with Canon 70-200mm IS L lens  at 135mm. ISO800 1/200 at f/8






























I think this lizard fancied himself as a bit of a hunk.

Canon Gx3 ISO500 1/640 at f/9
