Packed lunch

spider with take-away

All wrapped up and ready to roll. This spider has his day’s food all sorted.

Canon EOS100D with Canon 70-200mm F/4 L IS lens with Canon 25mm tube. ISO800 1/125 at f/8



crab spider with bee

The patience of the female White Death Crab Spider (Misumena vatia) lurking on our lavender paid off at last with the arrival of this unfortunate bee.

Canon EOS100D with Canon 70-200mm f/4 L IS lens and Canon 25mm tube. ISO200 1/125 at f/8


Buddleia fest

rose chafers and spider-3

Yesterday’s post showed a crab spider thinking he was hiding on a buddleia bloom. At the same time, farther along the same bloom, this bee-fly was feeding away merrily, oblivious of the nearby danger.

Canon Gx3 at 220mm (600mm equiv) ISO640 1/400 at f.5.6
