Humming bird hawk moth

Humming bird hawk moth enjoying the summer lavender blossom in our garden in Tuscany
Canon 100D with Canon EF-S 60mm f2.8 macro lens ISO 800 1/1000 at f6.3
[socialring]Humming bird hawk moth enjoying the summer lavender blossom in our garden in Tuscany
Canon 100D with Canon EF-S 60mm f2.8 macro lens ISO 800 1/1000 at f6.3
[socialring]This encouragingly chubby bumble bee was feasting on the pollen at the RHS gardens, Harlow Carr, Harrogate.
Canon G3x ISO400 1/500 at f/8 600mm equiv; cropped in LR
A morimus asper beetle reaching a personal goal – the ascent of the terrace steps at Le Gupole.
Canon G3X ISO125 1/25 at f.4.5
This male White Death Crab Spider (far smaller than the female – check the image of two days ago) is a master of camouflage. Look how close the colour of the legs and cephalothorax are to the lavender stalks. He was considerably smaller too than the bees buzzing around the lavender, but he had every intention of lunching on one.
Canon EOS 100D with Canon 70-200mm F4 L IS lens with Canon 25mm tube ISO400 1/640 at f/8