Funghi 3

Breakfast, lunch and dinner sorted! This millipede looks set to be happily munching away for days. Yum!
Canon 90D with Sigma 150-600 f5 – 6.3 DG OS HSM C zoom lens at 600mm. ISO 4000 1/500 at f8
Breakfast, lunch and dinner sorted! This millipede looks set to be happily munching away for days. Yum!
Canon 90D with Sigma 150-600 f5 – 6.3 DG OS HSM C zoom lens at 600mm. ISO 4000 1/500 at f8
Bees making the most of the late September gaura blossoms — gaura is almost most appropriately known as bee blossom.
Canon 90D with Sigma 150-600mm f5-6.3 DG OS HSM Contemporary lens at 600mm ISO2500 1/800 at f8
Come a little closer . . .
Rather disconcertingly, this young lady would not me out of her sites.
Canon 90D with Sigma 150-600 C lens at 600mm. ISO2500 1/1600 at f8
Housefly (Musca domestica) enjoying the sun before moving to a wall and indulging in a little preening.
Canon 90D with Sigma 150-600mm at 600mm ISO 1250 1/500 at f8Lift off! This paper wasp (Polistes dominula) has filled up with a refreshing drink of water from the pond and is about to head off back to work.
Canon 90D with Canon EF-S 55-250mm lens at 250mm ISO 2000 1/5000 at f7.1
Final approach. A paper wasp landing on the pond to take a drink of water, rear legs out ready to settle on the water surface and let the surface tension take the load.
Canon 90D with Canon EF-S 55-250mm lens at 250mm. ISO2000 1/5000 at f7.1