Wall brown

Lasiommata megera, aka Wall or Wall brown, a beautiful addition to our lavender
Canon 90D with Sigma 150-600 mm C at 562mm ISO 2500 1/800 at f8
Lasiommata megera, aka Wall or Wall brown, a beautiful addition to our lavender
Canon 90D with Sigma 150-600 mm C at 562mm ISO 2500 1/800 at f8
Bee trying on a duranta flower for size after discovering they are the latest fashion item in the apian world.
Canon 90D with Sigma 10-600mm C at 600mm. ISO1600 1/1000 at f8
Cabbage white butterfly – probably Pieris rapae but might be P. Brassicae – loving the lavender
Canon 90D with Sigma 150-600mm lens at 562mm ISO2500 1/800 at f8
Roosting bee. At the end of a hectic day buzzing around the lavender, guys like this one like nothing better than hunkering down for the night on beds of lavender blossoms. In the morning, they wake with the sun, and are on site for another day’s work.
Canon 90D with Canon EF-S 60mm macro. ISO6400 1/500 at f8. Cropped in LR.
Backlit begonia leaf photographed in Lincolnshire.
Canon 100D with Canon EF-S 18-55mm 3.5-5.6 IS STM lens at 55mm. ISO 800 1/1600 at f6.3
Another beautiful hibiscus flower in the gardens in Hong Kong Park, Central, Hong Kong .
Canon 90D with Canon EF-S 55-250mm f4-5.6 lens at 250mm. ISO 200 1/100 at f32