by David Clarke | Oct 29, 2012 | All, Flowers, Italy

Chinese lanterns, aka Physallis, have beautiful orange cases containing the seed, which in this variety, is like a large bead. However, the beauty is not lost as the colour fades and the intricate structure of the lantern is clearer as it slowly decays.
Canon 1D MkII with Canon 28-70 f2.8L lens at 34mm. ISO 400 1/30 at f9
by David Clarke | Aug 23, 2012 | All, Flowers, Italy

Not a very seasonal shot but it’s pretty. Spring was a little late this year in Tuscany which has meant that following our return from Thailand, we were able to enjoy the beauty of some of the blossom in the garden. This image is of a favourite and very happy cherry tree : it loves the spot where it lives – plenty of water!
Postscript after summer – great harvest of delicious cherries back in June/July.
Canon 40D with Canon 10-22mm at 10mm; ISO 200 1/400 f11
by David Clarke | Jul 29, 2012 | All, Flowers, Italy

Honesty (Lunaria annua) is a fairly common wildflower in temperate climates. A pretty purple flower, it really comes into its own when the papery seed pods form. It is also known as White Satin, Satin Flower, Money Plant, Silver Plate and Two-Pennies-in-a-Purse. According to, the folklore surrounding it is that for sorcerers, the plant aided shape-changing, flying, finding lost property, unlocking secrets and bringing the dead back to life. It was also used in witches brews and also to dress wounds and treat epilepsy. In Tudor times, the roots were boiled and eaten with meat or grated into salads, while the Victorians painted the seed pods for winter decoration in their homes.
We’ve certainly found that the dried pods are a lovely decoration in a vase indoors, but as for flying, I’m clearly missing something out of the recipe!
The abundance of honesty is our garden varies enormously: some years there is loads in the wooded parts; other years there is very little. However, it is always pretty, even when in an advance state of decay, as shown in the black and white images on the Gallery and Showcase pages.