by David Clarke | Apr 2, 2016 | Birds, Phuket, Wildlife

A few days ago I posted a shot of a male olive-backed sunbird visiting a flowering shrub on our balcony. He has continued to visit and now his wife has come along too. The female is less colourful than the male, with a plain yellow breast. She’s a little shyer too, not liking the sound of the Canon 40D taking 6 frames per second. These birds are tiny – about 6-8 cm – and they move fast, like hummingbirds.
There’s a set of the images of both birds in the gallery/showcase that are a mixture of shots taken with the 40D with a 70-200mm lens, and with the G3X at full telephoto.
by David Clarke | Mar 31, 2016 | Birds, Hong Kong, Wildlife

Another fisherman, in this case an opportunist Chinese egret who has worked out that if he sits among the nets on a fishing boat, he might get lucky.
Canon G3X ISO400 1/320 at f/8 & 220mm (600mm equiv). Cropped in LR
by David Clarke | Mar 28, 2016 | Birds, Flowers, Phuket, Places, Wildlife

A chirpy and enthusiastic olive-backed sunbird (Nectarinia jugularis), a frequent visitor to our balcony over the last few days since the variegated shrub he’s sitting on started to flower.
Canon G3X ISO640 1/640 at f/5.6. Cropped in LR.
by David Clarke | Mar 21, 2016 | Birds, Hong Kong, Places

The golden yellow pheasant is a stunningly beautiful bird. According to various sources, it comes in a number of varieties, this one in the Hong Kong Park aviary is a variety (Chrysolophus pictus mut. luteus) created in captivity back in the 1950s in Italy. The original Golden pheasant, which has a distinctly darker plummage, hails from central China.
Canon G3X ISO 1000 1/100at f/7.1
by David Clarke | Mar 15, 2016 | Birds, Hong Kong, Places

The very attractive Bali myna is not related to other mynas, being restricted to the island of Bali and the island’s only endemic vertebrate species. Critically endangered, there are programs in place to try to raise numbers and stop illegal trading.
There are far more Bali mynas in zoos and bird parks around the world than in the wild, including this one that is one of several in Hong Park’s excellent aviary.
Canon G3X ISO1000 1/400 at f/7.1
by David Clarke | Mar 11, 2016 | Birds, Hong Kong, Wildlife

This Alexandrine parakeet was definitely showing his best side to a happy snapper in Hong Kong Park’s excellent aviary.
Canon G3X ISO1000 1/160 at f/7.1 220mm (600mm equiv)