Sleepy Bee

Roosting bee. At the end of a hectic day buzzing around the lavender, guys like this one like nothing better than hunkering down for the night on beds of lavender blossoms. In the morning, they wake with the sun, and are on site for another day’s work.

Canon 90D with Canon EF-S 60mm macro. ISO6400 1/500 at f8. Cropped in LR.

Clouded yellow

Clouded yellow butterfly (Colias croceus) enjoying the lavendar.

Canon 90d with Sigma 150-600mm C lens at 600mm. ISO600 1/4000 at f6.3. Processed in LR

Kamala Bay sunset

Magical sunset over Kamala Bay, Phuket, Thailand last night. Great to capture the water flying off the canoeist’s paddle and catching the sun.

Canon 90D with Canon 55-250mm f4 – 5.6 STM IS lens at 250mm ISO 200 1/320 at f5.6. Cropped in LR


Crab Spider

crab spider

A crab spider thinks about grabbing my telephoto lens while lurking on a lavender stalk.

Canon EOS 100D with Canon EF 70-200 F/4 L IS lens and Canon 25mm tube ISO200 1/80 at f/8


In memory

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After yesterday’s events in Nice, it seems inappropriate to post just another photo today. Instead, I’m posting the French flag in remembrance of all those killed and injured.