Cape Robin-chat

Cape robin-chat enjoying the late afternoon sun on the verandah at Ben & Kim’s house near Timau in the foothills of Mt Kenya.

According to Wikipedia, ‘The Cape robin-chat is a small passerine bird of the Old World flycatcher family Muscicapidae. It has a disjunct range from South Sudan to South Africa. The locally familiar and confiding species has colonized and benefited from a range of man-altered habitats, including city suburbs and farmstead woodlots.’

They are certainly confident around people and cheerfully chirpy.

Canon 90D with Canon 55-250mm f4-5.6 IS STM lens at 250mm ISO 800 1/640 at f8


Red-cheeked Cordon-bleu

Male Red-cheeked Cordon-blue (Uraeginthus bengalus) photographed in Timau, Laikipia, Kenya. The male is the same as the female except that the female has no red cheek patch.

One of four races of this bird, this one occurs throughout Kenya and other parts of East Africa from sea level to 2300m. More shots in the Gallery.

Canon 90D with Canon EF-S IS STM 55-250mm lens at 250mm ISO 800 1/500 at f9.


Look at me!

golden palm weaver

A golden palm weaver building his amazing nest from carefully woven palm leaves. It takes a bout two days to build and if the female doesn’t like it, she’ll boot it to the ground!

Canon EOS 1D MkII with Canon 300mm L IS lens ISO400 1/800 at f/3.5
