All rhinos are endangered, so many having been massacred by poachers for their horns. There are now many game parks in various African countries endeavouring to bring numbers back up to levels where the threat of extinction is diminished, but it is an uphill battle and every year seems to bring bad news.
These creatures are truly magnificent – primitive, primeaval, and with a rugged, powerful beauty. It is a privilege to be close to them, albeit from the security of a vehicle: they are not to be underestimated.
This fellow was one of over 50 roaming Lewa game park in Kenya. He caught the scent of an orange that one of our party had peeled and was desperately trying to find the source of the tantalising aroma. Fortunately for us, he lost the scent and finally wandered off.
You can read more about the Lewa Conservancy at and you can follow them on FaceBook.
Black Rhinoceros or Hook-lipped Rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis)
Canon D60 with Canon 300mm 2.8L IS with x2 extender; ISO 200 f5.6 1/1500