
Robin jumping from branch to branch.

Canon 90D with Sigma f5-6.3 150-600mm DG OS HSM C zoom lens at 600m. ISO640 1/1250 at f8.

Autumn 2

Autumn colours in the beautiful Tuscan countryside

Canon 90D with Sigma 150-600mm f5-6.3 DG OS HSM C zoom lens at 191mm. ISO2000 1/1000 at f8.


Windswept olives and autumn colours.

Canon 90D with Sigma 150-600f5-6.3 DG OS HSM C lens at 150mm. ISO2000 1/800 at f8. Cropped and processed in Lightroom.

Funghi 3

Breakfast, lunch and dinner sorted! This millipede looks set to be happily munching away for days. Yum!

Canon 90D with Sigma 150-600 f5 – 6.3 DG OS HSM C zoom lens at 600mm. ISO 4000 1/500 at f8